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Smell Your Worries Away

According to Jade Shutes, an aromatherapy author and teacher, aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological and spiritual realm of the individual's response to aromatic extracts as well as to observe and enhance the individual's innate healing process. As a holistic practice, Aromatherapy is both a preventative approach as well as an active method to employ during acute and chronic stages of illness or 'dis'-ease.It is a natural, non-invasive modality designed to affect the whole person not just the symptom or disease and to assist the body's natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain itself by the correct use of essential oils.


The term “essential oil” is a contraction of the original “quintessential oil.” This stems from the Aristotelian idea that matter is composed of four elements, namely, fire, air, earth, and water. The fifth element, or quintessence, was then considered to be spirit or life force. Distillation and evaporation were thought to be processes of removing the spirit from the plant and this is also reflected in our language since the term “spirits” is used to describe distilled alcoholic beverages such as brandy, whiskey, and eau de vie. The last of these again shows reference to the concept of removing the life force from the plant. Nowadays, of course, we know that, far from being spirit, essential oils are physical in nature and composed of complex mixtures of chemicals.

Essential oils are distilled or expressed from plant matter and contain a host of beneficial biological compounds that can be used to promote health and support emotional well being. There are many different oils, each with different properties that can be used to treat both physical and emotional health. The most important thing when using essential oils is to make sure that you are using oils created by a reputable company that are pure grade, especially if you are going to ingest them!

Here is a list of some oils you can try and how they help to promote wellness!

  • Peppermint: used to boost energy and aid digestion

  • Lavender: used to relieve stress

  • Sandalwood: used to calm nerves and help with focus

  • Bergamot: used to reduce stress and improve skin conditions like eczema

  • Rose: used to improve mood and reduce anxiety

  • Chamomile: used to improve mood and relaxation

  • Ylang-Ylang: used to treat headaches, nausea, and skin conditions

  • Tea Tree: used to fight infections and boost immunity

  • Jasmine: used to help with depression, childbirth, and libido

  • Lemon: used to aid digestion, mood, headaches, and more

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